2024 Jeeps4Vets Veterans Day Jeep Run benefiting Veterans Path to Hope

Join us on Sunday, November 10, 2024 for the annual Jeeps4Vets Veterans Day Jeep Run to benefit Veterans Path to Hope.
Get one more run in this year before you have to put the top on! Join us for beautiful fall colors, delicious burgers from Smash’D, and camaraderie with fellow Jeepers!
Veterans Day, celebrated on November 11, honors America’s veterans of all wars for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good across various conflicts and periods of peace.
10am . . . Registration begins at Liberty CDJR on Route 176 in Libertyville
Veterans Path to Hope will be at the registration table - check in with them if you pre-registered, or register onsite. Get your wristband, buy some raffle tickets (5 for $20 - cash only) and 50/50 tickets, then browse the raffle table and visit with fellow Jeep enthusiasts!
11:30am . . . Depart for the Lake Villa VFW - we will park at the train station parking lot.
VPH will be there to accept your non-perishable food item to help stock their year-round food pantry as winter starts creeping in to help ensure none of our veterans have to experience food insecurity this winter. (The VPH list of recommended items can be found here: https://veteranspathtohope.org/donation-list/)
Once you drop off your donations, all are welcome to go inside the VFW for a drink or 2 and hang out while enjoying a delicious burger from the veteran-owned food truck Smash'D Burgers! VPH will have their apparel available for sale - you can buy a VPH hoodie and hat to stay warm this winter.
The afterparty is at Bootleggers Bar and Grill at 25491 Old Grass Lake in Antioch, IL with music, dancing, camaraderie, and fun. There will be plenty of parking. They will also have food and drink specials for us.
Veteran-owned and operated, Jeeps4Vets is an organization that hosts events in the area to benefit less fortunate veterans. We continue to partner with Veterans Path to Hope because together, we assist local veterans in northern Illinois and southeastern Wisconsin who need of housing, employment, food stability, counseling, and more to help them move forward.
Veterans Path to Hope stands as a bridge of support for those who have selflessly served their nation. Rooted in a profound commitment to honoring veterans, VPH is dedicated to providing comprehensive assistance to veterans and their families facing various challenges. At the core of their mission lie several essential programs aimed at addressing critical needs and fostering a sense of community and belonging among veterans. Learn more about their services and ways to donate or volunteer at http://www.veteranspathtohope.org
#vphjeeprun #jeeps4vets #veteranspathtohope #jeepsforveterans

Date and Time
Sunday Nov 10, 2024
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM CST
Sunday, November 10, 2024
10am . . . Registration
11:30am . . . Convoy departs from Liberty CDJR in Libertyville
12-12:15pm . . . Convoy arrives at Lake Villa VFW
2pm . . . Afterparty at Bootleggers in Antioch
$20 per Jeep
Contact Information
Chris Acker, Liberty CDJR | 224-424-3016 | cacker@libertyautocity.com
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